One problem that we find many homeowners face is that after they flush their toilet the water flow stops too soon. When you look in the tank you can see lots of water but not enough of that water made it into the bowl prior to the flush valve shutting of the flow of water. If you find that your toilet flush stops too quick there are a few solutions to help with this issue.

Length of The Chain

To increase the amount of time after a flush is initiated shorten the length of the chain found between the float and the flapper.

Check The Handle Level

Another reason this is occurring could be due to the fact that the handle lever is misaligned. Make sure that your handle level pulls staring up when flushed. If you noticed it does not you can reposition the chain hook on the lever. Make sure when you readjust that there is a tiny bit of slack in the chain when the flapper is covering the opening.

Clean The Mechanism

If none of the previous solutions worked then you might want to try cleaning the handle mechanism on the toilet. To do so start by removing the chain from the handle lever, then the nut on the back of the handle using a wrench and then the handle should come off. Once off you can clean the mechanism using white vinegar and applying it with an old toothbrush. Once it is clean you can reinstall the handle and test to see if that fixed the issue. If you find that the problem is still occurring you will want to replace the handle.

Let Caldwell Plumbing Help

If you are located in Durham Region and would like Caldwell Plumbing to install a utility sink for you please book an appointment with Caldwell Plumbing today or get a free online estimate. If you live in  Oshawa, Courtice, Bomanville, Uxbridge, Pickering, or Ajax, call Caldwell Plumbing for all of your plumbing services.