Appliance Installation: What Appliances Does a Plumber Install?

Appliance Installation: What Appliances Does a Plumber Install?

Is it time to replace your old home appliances with a newer, less defective ones? Not sure where to start or who to call for help? Whatever you choose to do, do not attempt to install your appliances on your own.

Chances are you will need a plumber to perform a professional appliance installation. Believe it or not, plumbers install everything from kitchen to bathroom appliances and anything in between.

Want to know more about what your plumber is qualified to install for you? Read on to find out everything you need to know about professional appliance installation below.

Why Call a Professional Plumber?

Attempting to install appliances on your own can increase the risk of future leaks, malfunctions, and overall costly mistakes. You also might shorten the life of your new appliance, forcing you to repeat this process soon rather than later. Improperly installed appliances may also decrease the value of your home, making it harder for you to sell it in the future.

In other words, installing appliances on your own is simply not a good idea.

What Kind of Appliance Installation Does a Plumber Do?

Plumbers install more than you would think. They install both plumbing and appliances; particularly appliances that require water. This is why one of the best ways to know for sure if your appliance requires a plumber is to simply check for water.

If your appliance requires water to run or uses water to clean, you need a plumber. This is one of many ways to determine if your home appliances require a plumber’s help. Another, more foolproof way, is to educate yourself on what plumbers install.

Dryer and Washing Machine Installation

It should come as no surprise that your washing machine requires a plumber’s expertise. When installed, washing machines must get correctly connected to a water source to ensure they do not cause floods, leaks, and even mould when they work. Dryers do not require a water source, but they must be securely connected to a vent.

When improperly connected, dryers will not have anywhere to send their heat. This could create a blockage in the dryer, causing it to break or catch fire. Plumbers know how to correctly connect both appliances to their required source, decreasing the chance of potential complications.

Dishwasher Installation

Similar to washing machines, dishwashers require a water source to do their job. They also need to get correctly installed to prevent potential damage; especially floods. When dishwashers cannot regulate their water correctly, they have nowhere to store it except inside.

Eventually, enough water will collect in the shallow tray and your kitchen will find itself flooded. Plumbers are well educated on the dangers of poor installation and will ensure your dishwasher is installed correctly.

Refrigerator and Freezer Installation

If your refrigerator or freezer comes with an ice maker, it will need to get connected to a water line. If your home does not have one pre-installed, you will need to ask a plumber for help. This is a job that should be left completely up to the professionals due to the risk of bursting a pipe.

Save yourself from calling about the mess you made and ask a plumber for help installing. They will even connect the new line to the appliance for you.

Find a Plumbing Company

In need of a plumber to call for an appliance installation? Give Caldwell Plumbing a call. Our team of experts knows exactly how to install your appliance without mistakes.

Request a free quote here or give us a call to learn more about our services.