A utility sink is the sink that is used for cleaning the extra dirty messes that you don’t want to clean in one of your nicer sinks such as paint brushes and humidifiers. Often referred to as slop sinks they are often also used for the draining of your washing machine. If it is used for this purpose you always want to make sure that it is clear of any clogs and dirty standing water as this will cause back flow to your washing machine. Most utility sinks today will come equipped with its own faucet and trap. The installation of a utility sink is pretty simple, lets get started.

Step #1: Sink Assembly

Tip your sink upside down on the floor and begin assembling the legs to the basin. In most cases the legs will simply slide into pre existing slots on the bottom of the basin in all four corners.

Step #2: Attach The Trap

Attached the trap and then turn the sink sideways in order to attach the strainer body. To do so apply a thin bead of plumber’s putty to the flange and then tighten the nut from the underside of the sink. Be sure to do so by hand only.

Step #3: Install The Faucet

Before we install the utility sink faucet you want to now turn your sink right side up. Once on all fours place the faucet in the sink holes found on the back of the basin running your hot and cold supply lines through as well. From underneath you can tigten the faucet into place with a wrench.

Step #4: Secure Utility Sink

With the utility sink installed you are now ready to secure it. Place the utility in the desired location and drill screws through the legs and into the floor. In most cases you will need masonry bits and screws in order to secure it into your concrete floor.

Let Caldwell Plumbing Help

Alternatively if you would like Caldwell Plumbing to install a utility sink for you please book an appointment with Caldwell Plumbing today or get a free online estimateWe provide plumbing service to Oshawa, Courtice, Bomanville, Uxbridge, Pickering, Ajax, and the rest of Durham Region.